Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
What is PCIT?
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is a highly effective, evidence-based behavior management program for young children (ages 2-7) experiencing behavioral and emotional difficulties.
PCIT works together with the child and parent or caregiver to improve overall behaviors and reduce parenting stress.
What can I expect during a PCIT session?
A trained therapist will observe caregiver and child interactions, while providing live coaching in PCIT skills. During weekly sessions and two treatment phases, caregivers and therapists work together to manage challenging behavior exhibited by the child.

Who should consider PCIT?
Children, ages 2 to 7 years old, who display any or all of the following:
- parent-child relational problems
- refusal and defiance of adult requests
- loss of temper
- destruction of property
- frequent fighting and/or aggressional towards others
- attachment issues
- negative attention seeking
- staying on task

The Focus of PCIT Treatment
By learning specific techniques, caregivers can build a better relationship with their child, and the child may start to demonstrate improved behavior. Overall, PCIT can help improve family dynamics by working to reduce negative behavior and interactions. PCIT skills equip caregivers with new methods of communicating that are encouraging and reassuring. When practiced consistency, these new skills and techniques can instill greater confidence in the child, reduce anger and aggression, and foster better interactions between the child and caregiver.
Interested in PCIT?
Established Signature Health patients should ask their provider for a referral. New patients can call 440-578-8200 to establish care and schedule an initial diagnostic assessment appointment.
PCIT Availability
At this time, PCIT is available in our Ashtabula and Willoughby health centers.